Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Review Policy

About YA Book Queen:

YABQ is managed by Leann "Lea" Johnson. This blog consists of reviews, interviews/guest posts, and contests all revolving around Young Adult Literature.

How To Get Your Novel Reviewed on YABQ:

I would be thrilled and honored to accept review copies (ARC's or books that are already released) from authors and publishers. I'm also happy to host contests, or hold an interview with an author (or you can have a guest post!). If you would like to have me review your novel, or do any of the other tasks above, contact me at

My reviews reflect my thoughts on the novel, and I strive to always keep it honest. I will never post a review that I don't whole-heartedly believe.

Types of genres I enjoy:
Well, I love YA (as you can tell from my blog name). I don't mind any novels with crossover appeal in the YA genre (because there are so many books I've read that have that YA feel, but are in the adult/children section!). I'm such a book addict, I love almost every genre, and love reading one's I have yet to experience.

Although, I'm not a big nonfiction/biography reader (sorry!). But if it sounds interesting, I might give it a shot.

I also do not read ebooks. I read enough ebooks at this time, and do not need to add any more to the list.

When I accept a novel for review:
It does not guarentee I will write a review, however, the odds are that I will always write one. My reviews are always honest, and I look for the good and the bad in every story. My reviews include:

- cover art
- Novel title, author (with a link to their website), # of pages, age range, summary
- my review
- highlights
- lowlights
- rating
- links to reviews from other books in series (if novel is a series)

I also cross post my reviews to Amazon, Goodreads, and on a good day Shelfari.

How long will it take for me to review:
ARC's receive top priority, and then the rest all fall into line afterwards. The time it takes me to review will depend upon how many books I have to read, and how busy I am with my life/college homework/obligations/etcetera. So please be patient.

Questions? Contact me at:

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