NOTICE: YA Book Queen is open to review requests, but please read the guidelines below before emailing.
YA Book Queen is managed and created by Lea / Leann (you can call me either one). I'm an English major in grad school (studying literary criticism). I love to read, write, watch incredible movies/TV series (Buffy, Firefly, and Veronica Mars reruns, anyone?). This blog consists of my thoughts on YA novels, interviews with authors, guests posts from authors, and contests revolving around Young Adult Literature. I blog because I love YA books and connecting with other readers.
Review Policy on YA Book Queen
I would be honored to accept review copies from authors or publishers. See below for my guidelines.
Books I will NOT review: Self-published novels (the only exception to this is if I have positively reviewed a novel of yours, or if we've spoken before somewhere in the Twittersphere/blogosphere). While I have read and loved a few self-published works, I receive too many requests for novels that are not quite finished or up to the same standard as traditionally published novels.
Books I will review: Young Adult (YA) novels or New Adult (NA) novels, or other novels that have high YA / NA cross-over potential. I love mysteries, high fantasy, thrillers, contemporary novels, realistic romances, sci-fi, and dystopian.
Accepted Formats For Review:
* Print (ARC's or finished copies)
* E-galleys (compatible with Kindle, if possible)
* Audiobooks (digital or physical copies)
How long does it take for YA Book Queen to review a book?
ARC's and newly released finished copies usually receive top priority, and the rest will fall in line afterwards depending on how many books I have for review.
There's no "magic number" of days/weeks that it takes me to review a book - it might be exceptionally quick or it may take months for me to write a review. I have a life outside of my blog, and the time it takes me to review will depend entirely upon how busy I am. Even if I accept a novel for review, it does not guarantee that I will write a review. I always make an effort to read all the books I receive, but sometimes a few have to be placed aside due to time constraints or lack of interest in the story/writing. Books I do not to review end up in my giveaway pile: contests, to fellow bloggers, donated, et cetera. The book will be read by someone, somewhere.
I will never post a review I do not 100% believe in. My review may be positive or negative (or somewhere in between). Length will vary. My reviews are always honest, and I look for pros and cons in every story. I try to cross-post my reviews to both Amazon and Goodreads.
My Rating Scale:
Please click here to see my current rating scale. Sometimes, especially in earlier reviews, represented by tiaras, numbers, stars, or fleur-de-lis.
Questions? Feel free to contact me at
If you're emailing with an interview request, please use Interview Request: {Insert your book title} in the subject header so I don't accidentally delete it!
If you're emailing with an interview request, please use Interview Request: {Insert your book title} in the subject header so I don't accidentally delete it!