Highlight: BOOKS. BOOKS EVERYWHERE. Bookstores are pretty much like heaven for bookworms. You walk in, and there are books all over the place. How is that not awesome?
Lowlight: If it's not on the shelves, they might not have it. Unlike the magical online bookstore that can hold all the books in the world, physical bookstores can only house so many books. Sometimes they hide a few books in the back rooms, but the odds are low. Certain books, possibly including that one you really want, might not ever make it to the shelves.
Highlight: Awesome bookish people. It's always fun to interact with other bookish people, and bookstores are the easiest place (besides a library) to find them.
Lowlight: Snobby bookish people. You know the type - the ones that give you that LOOK when they see you head into your preferred genre section. Half the time I go through the YA bookshelves, I get the LOOK or even a comment like "you're not going to read that, are you?" - Yes. Yes, I will.
Kimberly Derting, Jessi Kirby, Suzanne Young, Sarah Ockler, Shannon Messenger, Morgan Matson |
Highlight: Book signings / author events! I love my sort-of-local-but-not-really indie bookstores, because they host some fantastic book signings with authors I can fangirl over. It's so strange, but fun, to meet authors, other bloggers, and fellow readers. Thanks to bookstores, I've met authors such as Lauren Oliver, Leigh Bardugo, Marissa Meyer, Gayle Forman, Nina LaCour, Kristin Cashore, and more.
Lowlight: Expensive. This is the biggest reason why I tend to buy most of my books online. It's so expensive to shop at a bookstore. If they offered more discounts, instead of forcing me to buy books at full price, I would buy all of my books at bookstores.
Highlight: Awesome salespeople. Booksellers are fantastic. They're willing to look high and low for that one book you really want, and if they don't have it in stock, they try their best to find a solution. *high five, awesome booksellers*
Lowlight: Pushy salespeople. I realize you're just trying to do your job, but if I don't ask for your help, it means that I do not need help. Fortunately, I've only had this problem a few times, since most booksellers are usually relaxed and kind. It's only in rare instances where a bookseller will refuse to leave me alone.
Highlight: Free swag! At some bookstore events, they might have free bookish swag (sometimes from the authors and publishers, although I've been to bookstores that have their own free bookmarks). I love posters / bookmarks / buttons / et cetera, so this is always a highlight.
Highlight: Atmosphere. I honestly do not know how to describe it, but bookstores have a great atmosphere. You walk in, and everything feels amazing. The mood is outstanding in bookstores. You can't replicate that with online bookstores.
Highlight: Book recommendations. Can't decide what to buy? Odds are, your bookstore has some sort of recommendation display. Other times, you can ask a salesperson and they'll usually have one or two books they can name off the top of their head. Or, you can just spy on other book buyers and see what they are buying...
Highlight: Reading is encouraged. I love any place that encourages people to grab a table, a book, and pull up a chair, so bookstores automatically earn my adoration. Not all bookstores encourage this, but some do tend to set up little reading sections for visitors to enjoy.
In the end, I obviously adore bookstores.
What do you love and hate about bookstores? Let me know in the comments!