It Takes Me Forever To Write Reviews
I'll usually set up a review template immediately, but sometimes I wait so long to write the actual review that I actually have to go back and skim / reread the novel. There are some books that leave me so inspired and I have to write something then and there, but for the most part I tend to wait a few days / weeks. It's a bad habit I'm trying to break.
I Worry My Reviews Aren't Helpful
Some reviews I feel confidant about, but others I worry won't be of any use. It's always tricky, trying to share thoughts on a novel without giving too much away.
Blogging Has Made Me Crazy Over Mail
I used to be normal when it came to mail, and then I became a book blogger. It's kind of embarrassing how excited I get when I see a package on the porch (or how sad I become when UPS / FedEx drives by without leaving something). My folks definitely look at me like WTF is wrong with you whenever I get all giddy over a book.
My Shelf Has Unread Books That Are YEARS Old
Yeah. That's really embarrassing. A few are review books, most unsolicited, and the rest are purchased books I never actually got around to reading (like Slice of Cherry, Prophecy of Sisters trilogy, Desires of the Dead, Linger and Sapphique - all of which I just had to buy but still need to read). Before I was a blogger, I'd read books immediately. Now, I hardly ever get the chance to immediately read books that I purchase. The amount of unread books I own is extremely ridiculous.
I'm Awesomely Terrible At Social Media
Sometimes I'm great at social media, tweeting up a storm, posting like a boss on Facebook, and so on. But other times, it's like I don't even exist. However, I'm trying to work on this!
Commenting Stresses Me Out Sometimes
I do always try to read my favorite blogs, but I don't always have a chance to comment on them, especially once my college classes start taking up most of my time. On my blog, I read every single comment I receive, and try to write back, but sometimes life is too busy and I feel like the world's worst person. Even once I start commenting, sometimes I find I have nothing useful to say, but still feel the need to say something.
I Can Be Insecure About My Book Blogger Status
Despite the fact that I've been around for years (5 years on July 15th), I currently only have a couple publishing contacts since most of my original contacts left or changed publishing houses, so I tend to receive less books for review than other bloggers. But, I also look at it as a highlight, since less books for review means more time to read the books I purchase or borrow.
Also, since I get busy a lot, I tend to be more like a ghostly presence for a good portion of the year. I'll post for a few weeks, disappear for a couple weeks, post, disappear, and so on. I'm hoping to be a bit more present this year!
I Spend Way Too Much Time Goodreads
Blogging has made me a bit book-obsessed. I've wasted hours simply strolling through Goodreads, looking for future releases to add to my shelf (not to mention staring at all the new covers)! I never used to care about looking books up. I'd simply go to the bookstore, see a book by my favorite authors, and buy it. Blogging, however, has made me a bit eager to be in the know about upcoming books.
The great thing about spending too much time on Goodreads is when I stumble across books like Vanishing Girls, Lauren Oliver's new book, which I somehow didn't even know about!
The great thing about spending too much time on Goodreads is when I stumble across books like Vanishing Girls, Lauren Oliver's new book, which I somehow didn't even know about!
Blogging Has Made Me A Picky Reader
I read so much more now than I used to, but I also spend more time wanting to read certain books than actually reading them. Before I was a blogger, I'd read a book right after I bought it. Now? I have books I purchased sitting unread on my shelf (and they've been there for an embarrassing long time). Sometimes I get so caught up in reading books for review that I forget about the books I purchased / won / borrowed. Other times, I get bored of certain genres and struggle to pick up yet another such-and-such story.
On Bad Days, I Wonder Why I Blog
On really bad days, I feel the burn of jealousy when other bloggers receive that ARC I really really wanted. On bad days, I wish I could have had the opportunity to host a blog tour stop for one of my favorite author's. On bad days, I struggle to find the right words for a single review. On bad days, I look at my blog and wonder what the hell have I been doing with my spare time?
Fortunately, those feelings and days never last and I always remember why I blog and how much I truly love being a book blogger. I'm such a lucky person, I've been a part of some wonderful promotions, I've met and spoken with amazing bloggers, publicists, and authors. So, on those rare days of why do I even bother, I think about the fabulous blogosphere and how wonderful it is to be a part of it.
What's one of your blogging / bookish confessions?
Wow, I feel you on a lot of these..especially when it comes to commenting and reviewing because of school :( Also the "blogging has made me a picky reader" - I can relate to that one very much. I also have books that I haven't read yet. I had a ton of books in order and unread ones in my shelf *sigh. Hopefully we'll get through this some time soon. Thanks for sharing this :)
ReplyDeleteGlad I'm not the only with a bunch of unread books! I always feel so embarrassed about that.
DeleteI love these confessions and we share some of the same ones, especially blogger status, commenting and unread book shelf. My unread book shelf is really bad. I need to do something about it! ;) And regarding your last confession, I am glad you are here…your blog is one of my favorites! :)
ReplyDeleteWhew! It definitely makes me feel better to know I'm not the only one with an unread book shelf. ;)
DeleteThank you so much, Christina! Your blog is one of my favorites, too! :)
I have so many unread books that are years old too, I swear I will get to them one day! Great list :)
ReplyDeleteHopefully! Our poor unread books ;)
DeleteI spend my life on goodreads! So you rae in good company!
ReplyDeleteIt's addictive, right? I try avoiding Goodreads. It's so easy to waste time on there!
DeleteOkay, have to get this out of the way first: how have I not heard of Vanishing Girls before now as well?? OMG new Lauren Oliver!! Thanks for the heads up!
ReplyDeleteSecond, I ALWAYS find your reviews helpful. There's just something about the way you lay them out so matter-of-factly and to the point, I just am able to get a really good idea of what to expect from the book.
We all have our bad days... I'm glad yours have never lasted because you would definitely be missed! Yes, things like writing reviews and commenting can seem a little stressful and overwhelming at times, but it's good to take a step back and think about all the good experiences, as well :D
I KNOW! I was shocked when I stumbled across VG on Goodreads. I'm usually pretty good about keeping up with her novels, but that one was a surprise to see.
DeleteThank you. I'm glad you find them useful!
Blogging can become a bit overwhelming, but it's worth it in the end. :)
I am RIGHT THERE with you on having shelves full of books you mean to read... that are years old. I have a particular shelf of shame with some ARCs still hanging out from the first big conference I went to - ALA in 2010. 2010?! Holy lord, that's 4 years ago. EEEEK!
ReplyDeleteLove your list - so many of these things ring true (even if I only mentioned the one above). Keep at it - you're doing a great job!
I have quite a few books that old too...I really need to read them sometime! I feel so bad when I see them on my shelf :(
DeleteThank you!
Great post!
ReplyDeleteI worry about my reviews too.
And I have loads of books that I've had for years but not read, yet I constantly buy more books...
Ha! I also buy more books, which only adds to the unread books problem. So hard to resist, though!
DeleteI had 38 books unread and it takes time to pick up the one that's on the hottest spot when one story is close to being done at the 3/4 mark of the way there. Speaking of grabbing books unread, it really takes time to read whether shortly afterward or not. I know I could read them btw. Thanks and have an awesome day!
ReplyDeleteNever mind. I got over 50 books unread.
Delete50?! Wow. I haven't counted mine yet. I'm scared to do so!
DeleteOh. I see. I got some few confessions like you. 1. That's too long for reviews because I was just holding on to it. 2. I am terrible at social media too because of my blog and I can't get it for twitter, pinterest and Facebook. And thirdly, I blog when I'm bored and had nothing else to do like I should. One more thing: I read too much goodreads to have a great summer break and blogging made me a picky, avid reader to have a lifelong learning experience of what I absolutely want to be desired for as a future author of the upcoming YA trilogy about a deaf teen girl with a mysterious past to embark on her journey to reveal her true identity and save the world. Out of my originality, comes up useless passages about my imaginary friend. Thank you for some of my similarities and so can yours.
ReplyDeleteI do totally agree that replying to comments can stress me out too! I want to reply to my readers but sometimes it feels like a job!
ReplyDeleteMissie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
Some days commenting is easy, and other days it is WAY more challenging than it should be!
DeleteI agree on so many of these, particularly number 2: I worry that my reviews aren't helpful, and worse, pretty lame. It's a tough life, being a book blogger, and requires a lot of confidence. Despite my nearly four years of blogging, it never gets easier! Great post, Lea :)
ReplyDeleteIt's always an uphill battle. I know my reviewing style has improved since I began blogging, but it's easy to still question how useful they are.
DeleteI adore your reviews, though! They always help me out when deciding on a book :)
I also worry about whether my reviews are actually helpful or not but whenever I have someone tell me (whether virtually or irl) that they read a book because of my review or just because I was RELENTLESS with my book pushing, I count that as a success :)
ReplyDeleteAs for writing them, I TAKE FOREVER. Like I will start one, leave it as a draft and then tweak/add/rewrite/delete portions because I can't. let. it. go. o_<
Ooh, I love it when that happens. It always feels great to know someone (even if it's only one person) found a review helpful.
DeleteI'm so glad I'm not the only person who takes forever writing reviews! Sometimes it takes a ridiculous amount of time to write even one.
Thanks for stopping by :)
I think we all have those bad days and they are a good time to give yourself a bit of a break and do something else that you enjoy :). I'm also now crazy about mail and the moment of opening my mailbox is always a highlight of the day until it is completely empty >.> When I get a package slip that says the package was too big for my box is the worst though since it is always after the post office is closed for the day! D:
ReplyDeleteAgreed! Taking a step back always helps me remember the good things about book blogging. And I always come back because of it!
DeleteHa! Yay for being crazy over mail. Oh, package slips are the worst!! The anticipation is torture.
Omg. I love love love this post. <3 Thank you so much for sharing sweetie :D I love reading about all your confessions. You are awesome. And I think your reviews are awesome :) Though I do not know how you cannot write a review right away, lol (A) I always HAVE to write my review right after finishing the book, hih :)
ReplyDeleteYou are awesome too, Carina! :D
DeleteThat's great that you write reviews right away! I wish I did that more.
Excellent list! I definitely struggle with a lot of these. I am horribly behind in writing reviews. I find it is easier to crank out a review for a book I didn't like as much than for a book that I thought was amazing. I also feel that blogging has changed the way I read because I don't feel free to read whatever I want to whenever I want to. I also feel pressure to read ARCs (I use Netgalley and Edelweiss to read ARCs on my Kindle) and request books that are new or not yet released which then adds to the pressure of reading and reviewing them in time for their release date (it rarely happens).
ReplyDeleteThere are definitely times when I think of giving up blogging too or feel like my reviews aren't really helping or reaching readers. I think my feelings about blogging have changed too. I started out when I was unemployed and had all the time in the world to read and blog. Now I have to struggle to keep going.
I am glad you still keep at it and I hope you continue to blog when you are able to. I enjoy your reviews and have found some great book recommendations here over the years through your reviews.
It's so easy to fall behind with writing reviews. Oh, I agree about not feeling free to read whatever you want. I always feel guilty when I start a book I purchased, especially when I have a review book on my Kindle / Bookshelf. The pressure to keep up with reading ARC's can be a bit intense!
DeleteI'm always amazed by bloggers who blog consistently. I really don't know how they do it - it really is a struggle to get a few posts each week!
Thank you, Christina! I'm a fan of yours, so I'm glad to hear that you enjoy my reviews :)
ReplyDeleteMy TBR shelf has books that are years old, too! I just finished Kiersten White's Paranormalcy this week. LOL!
I have a kind of policy of not reviewing every book I read, because then reading would be a chore for me. But lately, I've become better at finding some way to feature every book that comes my way. For instance, there were two excellent sentences which jumped out at me from a book I wasn't planning to write about at all . . . and I thought, "Hey, Teaser Tuesday!" But it will be a teaser with no follow-up, because after I get everyone excited with the quotation, I still won't be blogging about the book. LOL!
Ooh, that's a good idea. It really is difficult to review every single book, but I like that idea (so you can still feature them).
DeleteI hear ya on social media. Some people are so naturally good at it.