Friday, September 11, 2009

Comments = Love Contest #1

Comments = Love Contest

So what is it?

As a way to reward followers, I've decided to start a year-round contest. Don't worry! I'll have multiple chances for commenter's to win a book throughout the year.

Who can enter?

Right now, only US residents. I'll let you know if there is any change, though.

How do you enter?

It's simple.

1. Leave a comment on this post with your email, if you plan on committing to this first contest.

2. Comment away on all other posts I make! Every legitimate comment you make counts as an entry. At the end of the cutoff date, I will take every follower who commented on 80% or more of my posts (For example, I have 30 posts, and you comment on 27 of them. You will be one of the people in the running to win) and have a random drawing for the winner.

note: For those of you who are shy to putting your email on this post, you may email me at with Comment=Love in the subject box, and tell me that you would like to enter.

What is a legitimate comment?

Anything that is a sentence, at least. If you comment only the word"Awesome" and nothing else, then that comment will not count. And please note, do not comment hundreds of times on a single post. I will only take five extra comments (so if I have 30 posts, and you comment on all 30, and have 7 more comments, I'll take 5 of those extra seven).

These comments can be positive about the review/interview, or negative. But remember to be respectful.

When does this contest end?

For the first part of this contest, the cutoff date is October 23rd. After that date, the contest is still open for the next cutoff date to win. And the next, and the next. I'll let you know each time when the cutoff date for winning is.

When can I enter?

Anytime. All you need to do is backtrack a little, and make sure you leave your email on this post so I know you're entering.

The first post I'm counting as a part of this first contest will be my Looks Interview with Madeleine George (below this post). Start there, and keep checking in for more posts!

What do I win?

If you win this first contest, you'll get your choice of any YA book you want, as long as it's under $20 (which I doubt will be a problem, since the most expensive one's seem to be 17.99).

So why am I doing this contest? I wanted to do something where I could reward followers, people who do show up and comment. This way, by commenting on my posts, you might actually receive something in return. This contest is about spreading some comment love, hopefully on other blogs you run across as well.

Any questions, comments, concerns? Email me at . I would be happy to elaborate on anything for you.

If you don't have any questions, then get commenting and make me regret having to sift through all of the comments next month!


***As a side note, I would like to say that my heart goes out to all of you who lost someone on 9/11.***


  1. I'm in! Hope I can remember tho...

  2. I'm in too! This sounds exciting! :-) Hope you don't postpone it and hope you get more comment entries!

    Good luck :-)

  3. I'm in!

  4. thanks for the chance

  5. Oh my gosh! I so want to win this! I thought I was the YA Queen! I can't tear myself away from YA! John Green is my favorite YA author. I just finished reading "Big Fat Manifesto" by Susan Vaught and am oing to be re-reading "Inexcusable" by Chris Lynch, as I'm attempting to write a YA book in the same style (way different content, though!).

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. Sounds like a great idea! Good for you. I'll comment, but since I live in the wilds of Canada, I'm out of the running. Good luck everyone.

  7. This sounds awesome! Count me it. I just hope I can remember.


  8. I'll enter!

    willbprez (at) aol (dot) com

  9. love reading please enter me thank you!

  10. I'm totally down. Sorry I've been away from the blog for so long! I'll catch up with comments though!

  11. Oh, I'll email you my email address, cuz I don't want to put it in the comments

  12. Sounds cool - I'm going to try to do this.
    I guess I've got to get to commenting!

  13. What a cool idea! I've just gone on a mega commenting spree!
    I hope it's okay that I participate - I'm not presently a US resident, but I have a US address. :-)

  14. I love books!!!!

  15. My niece likes "The Princess Diaries"!

  16. Generous of you to do this giveaway & thanks.
    wombatspurple at yahoo dot com

  17. Count me in!
    nesta 67 {@} live {.}com

  18. I'd love to win.

  19. I've been wanting to buy the fourth book in Brandon Mull's Fablehaven series.

  20. i would like to enter, hopefully i can make enough comments.

  21. I just love to read. Thanks for the giveaway!

  22. Please enter me.
    john ferris

  23. Sounds awesome, thanks for the chance!

  24. Thanks for sponsoring this great book giveaway. I hope I win one of the books.

  25. Im in! I bookmarked it!!
