I'm playing Hanna Marin. About every other day, the ever-mysterious "A" will send me a text on the iPhone sent to me with the game kit, giving me instructions that I have to complete within the next day, or else.
So I'm not entirely sure how much I can share, so I'll give you guys a vague idea of the challenges, starting from one to the last one I had.
Challenge 1: Locate a necklace on Ebay, using only the picture as a reference, or A spills the secret behind it. Except, this lovely little necklace wasn't under jewelry (and believe me, I looked....and looked. And looked. Repeatedly). Instead, I found it under Clothing and Accessories. Completed.
Challenge 2: Post a pic on Facebook of a Valentine I received from my mother, Ashley Marin, or A spills the secret behind it. The hardest part of this one was trying to figure out how the hell you upload a picture from an iPhone onto Facebook. But once I did that, I switched to my laptop to post it in the right place. Completed.
Challenge 3: Do a math problem involving the PLL twitter followers/premiere date/number of tweets. Text A back with the answer or she spills my secret. (Hardest part? The number of twitter followers kept changing! I finally ended up sending the answer, along with the amount of followers I did the problem with so that I couldn't be wrong) Completed.
Challenge 4: Send flowers to a Hanna's mom from her boyfriend, with the wrong name (So instead of addressing the to Ashley Marin, I had to address them to some other woman's name). Guess Darren Wilden is in a bit of trouble ;) Definitely huge thanks to those of you who commented and let me know it was Darren, some of the other Hanna's and I were a bit confused if they dated. Completed.
Challenge 6: Create a not-so-flattering outfit on Ployvore, and share the link with my Facebook group telling them it's my new style. Naturally, I went for Crazy Cartoon Chic, because I'm stylin' like that. Completed.
Challenge 7: Watch the Pretty Little Liars premiere and text "A" back telling her where I thought my secret object was. Completed (and as a side note, you can watch the pilot episode at ABC Family or on Hulu)
Challenge 8: To write a blog post about Father's Day on my blog, which you can see here. Completed.
Challenge 9: Watch the second episode and finish this sentence "Maybe you still think of me as just a friend..."
Answer: "...the girl I used to be"
Final Message: Excellent work, Hanna. You can't tell from this text, but I'm beaming. You kept at least 80% of your secrets so now I'm keeping my end of the bargain. As a reward for your good behavior, I am going to let you ask Ashley Benson one question. Start thinking and make it a good one. My people will be contacting you soon via email. Remember, I still know everything.
Final Task: Ashley Benson's Video Answer
The challenges were completely awesome, and very eerie. I've met/started talking to some fabulous bloggers (like Trisha, Cinnamon, Sab, Valerie and so many more!). Even though most of us are all competing, a lot of people are all really nice and helpful whenever one of us needs a bit of help (like how a few of us Hanna's started brainstorming with each other for challenge 4, or how Kelli was helping so many people with their challenges!)
Want some examples of A's creepiness? Definitely check out Facebook, she was stalking us all over the place there! Who knows, maybe she'll even accept your friend request (but beware, she knows all).
How fun :)